Problem displaying a level

(Pedro Torcatt) #1

Hello everybody, it’s a pleasure to participate in the community, I have a problem when showing a map made with OGMO 2 version, because I have too many problems to install version 3, my system is 32 bits and when I try to compile a new version I get errors, anyway, following Zachary Lewis’ tutorial, everything runs but it shows me this:


This is the level code (

	import flash.utils.ByteArray;
	import net.flashpunk.Entity;
	import net.flashpunk.masks.Grid;
	import net.flashpunk.FP;
	public class Level extends Entity 
		private var _tiles:Tilemap;
		private var _grid:Grid;
		public function Level(xml:Class) 
			_tiles = new Tilemap(Assets.ARENA, 640, 480, 32, 32);
			graphic = _tiles;
			layer = 1;
			_grid = new Grid(640, 480, 32, 32, 0, 0);
			mask = _grid;
			type = "level";
		private function loadLevel(xml:Class):void
			var rawData:ByteArray = new xml;
			var dataString:String = rawData.readUTFBytes(rawData.length);
			var xmlData:XML = new XML(dataString);
			var dataList:XMLList;
			var dataElement:XML;
			dataList = xmlData.Piso.tile;
			for each(dataElement in dataList){
				_tiles.setTile(int(dataElement.@x) / 32, int(dataElement.@y) / 32, int(dataElement.@tx) / 32);
} code

	public class Assets 
		// Tilesets
		[Embed(source="../assets/World/Arena_Tileset.png")] public static const ARENA:Class;

In the tutorial the XML structure generated by OGMO 0.915 is different from version 2, I don’t know if it has anything to do with it. The map also has several layers, and the “Piso” layer

dataList = xmlData.Piso.tile;

is supposed to be only sand, that is, that structure shown on the top left should not even be shown there. Thanks in advance.