Making a tiled background and adding drawings

(Calem Young) #1

Hello, I’m a completely newbie at as3 so please excuse me if I’m slow to understand.
I was just wondering if someone can please explain how I can make a 64 by 64 image be tiled over the whole stage as a background.

I would also like to know a quick way to add images to the stage that don’t actually need any code (for example the background for a toolbar)

Please explain in detail,


(Jacob Albano) #2

Just to be clear, are you talking about using Flashpunk or straight as3? In the flashpunk world we rarely use the stage directly, so your mention of it makes me think you might be in the wrong place.

(Calem Young) #3

I’m using Flashdevelop with FlashPunk. I’ve tried to look up tutorials about adding backgrounds but I can’t ever get it to work so I was wondering if there is an easier way to do it with FlashPunk.

(Zachary Lewis) #4

You should use a Backdrop. :smile:

(Calem Young) #5

Thanks! I’ve got it working now! :smile: About adding toolbar backgrounds and such, would I just add it to the world as entity set to render an image?

(Zachary Lewis) #6

Pretty much. If it’s just a static background, you might consider putting it into your toolbar’s Entity as a Stamp or something.

(Calem Young) #7

Ok, thanks so much for the help!