You’ll have to control how much the angle can turn every time this function is called, if you just set the perfect angle everytime its target moves, then it will be too much precise.
Now, what numbers you need to use to multiply by FP.elapsed
it’s up to you to decide, but start trying to make it 10, it will be a dumb missile, since it would require 18 seconds to make a return and 36 seconds to do a full spin.
Basicly it would be something like this:
var angle:int = FP.angle(x, y, _player.x, _player.y);
//needs to make the value absolute since it can turn clockwise or the other way
if(abs(angle - OldAngle) > (FP.elapsed * 10)){
angle += FP.elapsed * 10;
x += SPEED * Math.cos(angle * FP.RAD) * FP.elapsed;
y += SPEED * Math.sin(angle * FP.RAD) * FP.elapsed;
image.angle = angle;
oldAngle = angle;