Layering sprites

(Brendyn Todd) #1

I need to layer sprites over my character sprite to make it appear as if he is wearing armor or holding a weapon. I’ve already drawn up and animated the layers. Now I need to apply them to the character.

Does anyone know how I should go about doing this?

(Bora Kasap) #2

If your armor and weapon have animations too as your character, you should apply them to your character as another entities… or simply you can duplicate your character’s spritemap to design them for armored, weaponed and armoredweaponed modes in a graphic software. But i think you should use another entities and lock this entities to your character by x+offset,y+offset and graphic angle…

(JP Mortiboys) #3

Create a separate Spritemap for each layer and use a GraphicList (or the entity’s addGraphic function) to layer them in order. If the animations and frames are exactly the same, it will be easy to keep them in sync.