Hello all, this is my first time posting on the new forums. Anyways, I have received this “Java Heap Space” error before in FlashDevelop and needed to set jvm.config to “java.args=-Xmx1024m”. Now this error is back and no value I have tried is letting me compile (2048m, 2g) , and now I am stuck.
Has anyone else run into this issue? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
Update: I am able to compile up to and including setting to Xmx1272m. Setting any amount higher than that yields:
“INITIALIZING: Error occurred during initialization of VMCould not reserve enough Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. Build halted with errors (fcsh).”
So I can compile for now, but I know I will hit another road block with this. Anyone have an idea of how to increase this, and allow java to reserve more memory? I have 16 gb of ram in my system so it shouldn’t be this limiting. A possible limitation in 32bit java?