Intellisense/code complete in FlashDevelop?

(Matt L) #1

I’ve tried searching high and low, and I can’t tell if nobody else is having problems with it, or if it’s just not possible. I can’t get FlashDevelop to code complete anything related to flashpunk. Demos are working/compiling/running, so I know things are in the right places, but I’m having to fight code completion to get anything done. It doesn’t even pick up on functions I’ve used elsewhere in a class, or show public properties of objects when I use in code.

I have the classes path set to src, and the net folder with all the flashpunk mojo is in there like it’s supposed to be.

Is this just not possible, or am I searching using the wrong keywords?

(Matt L) #2

Discovered the answer as soon as I posted this, because that’s how the world works.

Download the .swc from the flashpunk download page, put it in your projects folder somewhere, then inside of FlashDevelop right click it and hit “Add to Library”.

Is this correct, or is there a simpler/proper way?

(Ultima2876) #3

That’s the way to do it! :slight_smile: