ImmaBoid - AI Steering Behaviors

(Alex Larioza) #1

Hey FlashPunkers! I’ve been working on a small library for AI steering behaviors that I thought I might share. I still need to add some more basic behaviors, but I think its ready for others to use. Any feedback is welcome!


Homing in on a player in a way that looks nice?
(azrafe7) #2

VOV! white

(Ultima2876) #3

Sweet! I like this a lot, good job :slight_smile:

(christopf) #4

The demo looks fabulous so far. If i want to implement this in a game do i have to use your branch of fp? and if so, why?

(Jacob Albano) #5

As far as I know, S​HiL​Ly​SiT’s branch just adds support for right-click, so he uses it in his demos. You shouldn’t have to use it yourself.

(Alex Larioza) #6

I’ve added more than just right click support, but nothing is required to use the library (but you do need it to compile the demo).