Can anyone send some instruction on setting the game development environment for Flash builder 4.7, for FlashPunk 1.7.2. I’m new and lost. I been trying to follow some leads, but its hard to get the game going, I spent a lot much time and money, I’m like left in a dark room with no clues. If any one can help please I’ll appreciated.
I have flash builder 4.7 and need help setting my game environment
Just follow the official tutorial. It’s for an older FlashDevelop version but the configurations and tests are exactly the same.
Now I have flash builder 4.7 what SDK AND SWC I need for this version of Flash Builder 4.7. What version of Flash and Air I need.
If I have Flash builder 4.7 what files I need and version of the Air and Flash
Simply get the latest ones. The only thing you have to do is download them and link them from FD.
I’m trying but the FlashPunk library but is showing a exclamation symbol error with in my flash builder project file. the Flash Punk library in my project is showing exclamation symbol in World, Entity and Mask
You’re probably forgetting to set the Flex SDK correctly in your environment.
Never worked with Flash Builder though, so I can’t really help you out.
Ok so I have to use the Flex SDK 4.6 with the the FlashPunk instead of the Flash builder 4.7 The I have, is that what you saying.