I have an entity, that when it collides with a hitbox, it can’t go any further. As of now, it just goes through the hitbox. Any way I could achieve this?
How to stop an entity from moving when colliding?
Well… I’m just starting here, but try to help You:
I do it in this way: When You check the move Key:
if (Input.check(Key.DOWN))
newY = y + this.speed * FP.elapsed;
if (newY + height > FP.height)
newY = FP.height - height;
Just assign the new value to other var. Then You can check collision:
if (collide("bullet", x, newY) == null)
y = newY;
So, if there is no collision, I simply re assign new value to y
Hope this helpfull, but maybe someone more experienced say sth more…
What is this.speed? Obviously “this” works, but speed isn’t found after that.
Speed is just object variable. You set it below lines:
public class Player extends Entity
private var speed:int = 310;
You can set it whatever you want. Just check if it fit for Your game.
BTW: When You:
newY = y + this.speed * FP.elapsed;
FP.elapsed is necessary, because if You miss it, then player will be moving with different speed on different (slower/faster) computers.
Not necessarily. If you run in fixed-framerate mode, your update logic will be run at a consistent speed on any computer.
My approach is generally to use moveBy() to handle my collision.
var move:Point = new Point();
if (Input.check("left")) move.x--;
if (Input.check("right")) move.x++;
if (Input.check("up")) move.y--;
if (Input.check("down")) move.y++
moveBy(speed.x, speed.y, ["enemy", "platform"]);