There was a TransformPixel mask that floated around the old forums. I have used it in my games a couple of times. If I remember correctly, you just call sync() whenever you change the entity’s image. Hope it helps.
package com.lonestranger.fpext.masks
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import net.flashpunk.masks.Pixelmask;
import net.flashpunk.FP;
* The purpose of this class is to extend Pixelmask and allow for the ability to rotate/scale the pixelmask.
* It uses the same principles as ImageBuffer and SpritemapBuffer. Note that the extended world class will need to be
* used to have this mask play nice with the other mask types as without it, it won't update on its own.
* @author Blackstream at forums
public class TransformPixelmask extends Pixelmask
* @param source The image to use as a mask.
* @param x X offset of the mask.
* @param y Y offset of the mask.
* @param i Graphic of base type Image to link to. Null means sync will attempt to use the parent's base graphic
public function TransformPixelmask(source:*, x:int = 0, y:int = 0, i:Image = null)
//For now create our source, but just pass it along to the super function to be our mask
//We'll only create a buffer and do all the fancy stuff if we need to
if (source is BitmapData) _sourceData = source;
if (source is Class) _sourceData = FP.getBitmap(source);
_source.bitmapData = _sourceData;
super(_sourceData, x, y);
_check[Pixelmask] = collideTransformPixelmask;
_check[TransformPixelmask] = collideTransformPixelmask;
private function collideTransformPixelmask(other:Pixelmask):Boolean
_point.x = parent.x + x;
_point.y = parent.y + y;
_point2.x = other.parent.x + other.x;
_point2.y = other.parent.y + other.y;
return data.hitTest(_point, threshold,, _point2, other.threshold);
protected function createBuffer():void {
//newData will eventually be what we set data to. tempData is what we do all our work on first
var newData:BitmapData;
var tempData:BitmapData;
//Calculate the maxlength, and use that to create our new buffer
//The effectiveWidth and Height are twice the distance from the origin point of the picture to furthest relevent side.
//i.e., if the origin point is 0,0, then the effective width and height are doubled because it's rotating on the corner
var effectiveWidth:Number = 0;
var effectiveHeight:Number = 0;
if (this.originX >= (_sourceData.width / 2)) {
effectiveWidth = this.originX * 2;
} else if (this.originX < _sourceData.width / 2) {
effectiveWidth = (_sourceData.width - this.originX) * 2;
effectiveWidth *= this.scaleX;
if (this.originY >= (_sourceData.height / 2)) {
effectiveHeight = this.originY * 2;
} else if (this.originY < _sourceData.height / 2) {
effectiveHeight = (_sourceData.height - this.originY) * 2;
effectiveHeight *= this.scaleY;
//Calculate new width and height values, and account for scale
var maxLength:int = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(effectiveWidth * effectiveWidth + effectiveHeight * effectiveHeight));
maxLength = Math.ceil(maxLength * this.scale);
//Create the buffer
tempData = new BitmapData(maxLength, maxLength, true, 0);
var newOrigin:int = maxLength / 2;
//Calculate offsets
_offsetX = newOrigin - originX;
_offsetY = newOrigin - originY;
//Draw our buffer
_matrix.b = _matrix.c = 0;
_matrix.a = scaleX * scale;
_matrix.d = scaleY * scale;
_matrix.tx = -originX * _matrix.a;
_matrix.ty = -originY * _matrix.d;
if (angle != 0) _matrix.rotate(angle * FP.RAD);
_matrix.tx += newOrigin;
_matrix.ty += newOrigin;
tempData.draw(_source, _matrix, null, null, null, false);
//Get the bounds of our non-transparent pixels
var crop:Rectangle = tempData.getColorBoundsRect(0xFF000000, 0, false);
//Now create our actual data buffer, copy over the pixels, and adjust our offsets based on how much in front got cut off
newData = new BitmapData(crop.width, crop.height, true, 0);
newData.copyPixels(tempData, crop, new Point(0, 0), null, null, true);
_offsetX -= crop.x;
_offsetY -= crop.y;
//Set our internal offsets to match our transform offsets. Note that our overloaded set x and y functions automatically
//take into account offset.
this.x = _sourceX;
this.y = _sourceY;
//Finally, set our data variable which will call the Pixelmask's set fucntion which will also update our entity's bounds
if (data && data != _sourceData) data.dispose();
data = newData;
* Purpose of this function is to 'sync' the mask with its parent graphic. This is called only by the BSWorld class as part of the overridden update() function.
* If not using BSWorld, this will have to be manually called as FlashPunk doesn't normally have an update system for masks.
public function sync():void {
//If we have a linked image, use that. Otherwise check to see if our parent's graphic is an image and link to that and use it
//trace(_link.scale + ":" + _link.scaleX + "," + _link.scaleY);
if (!_link) {
if (parent && parent.graphic && parent.graphic is Image) link((Image)(parent.graphic));
//Only worry about syncing if are linked to an Image class
if (_link) {
//Check if something has changed. Note that as long as long as the linked image stays at angle 0 and scale 1, this class will perform like
//a normal pixelmask. Once it starts changing, then this class will start manipulating _data
if (angle != _link.angle || scale != _link.scale || scaleX != _link.scaleX || scaleY != _link.scaleY || originX != _link.originX || originY != _link.originY) {
//Sync our values and then create the buffer
//Unlike ImageBuffer and the like, there is only create buffer because we always crop the buffer after drawing to maintain a more accurate hitbox
//and ensure faster hitdetection.
angle = _link.angle;
scale = _link.scale;
scaleX = _link.scaleX;
scaleY = _link.scaleY;
originX = _link.originX;
originY = _link.originY;
angle = _link.angle;
public function link(i:Image = null):void {
if (_link == i) return;
//Remake our buffer in addition to linking
_link = i;
if(_link) {
angle = _link.angle;
scale = _link.scale;
scaleX = _link.scaleX;
scaleY = _link.scaleY;
originX = _link.originX;
originY = _link.originY;
angle = _link.angle;
public function release(): void {
_link = null;
if(data && data != _sourceData) data.dispose();
override protected function update():void
if(parent) super.update(); //No point in updating our parent if we don't have one
override public function set x(value:int):void
_sourceX = value;
super.x = _sourceX - _offsetX;
override public function set y(value:int):void
_sourceY = value;
super.y = _sourceY - _offsetY;
public var originX:int = 0;
public var originY:int = 0;
public var angle:Number = 0;
public var scale:Number = 1;
public var scaleX:Number = 1;
public var scaleY:Number = 1;
public var _sourceData:BitmapData;
protected var _source:Bitmap = new Bitmap;
* The followed 4 variables are all positional related variables
* _sourceX Original X offset of this hitbox
* _sourceY Original Y offset of this hitbox
* _offsetX X Offset of the transformed hitbox from the original hitbox
* _offsetY Y Offset of the transformed hitbox from the original hitbox
* _x Combined X offset from the above. Defined in class Hitbox.
* _y Combined Y offset from the above. Defined in the class Hitbox.
* Since all the hitchecking functions reference _x and _y directly, those become our true offset vars
* and when createBuffer is called, it sets these values.
protected var _sourceX:int = 0;
protected var _sourceY:int = 0;
protected var _offsetX:int = 0;
protected var _offsetY:int = 0;
protected var _link:Image = null;
protected var _matrix:Matrix = FP.matrix;
/** @private */ protected var _point:Point = FP.point;
/** @private */ protected var _point2:Point = FP.point2;