How can I make bullets go toward the mouse?

(TheHuckleberryWill) #1

How would I do this? I would like bullets that fire on a click, and go from the player to wherever the mouse was clicked… I have a method, but the speed of the bullet varies on how far away from the player you click, which is not desirable.

(Alex Larioza) #2

You need to get the direction from the player to the mouse, which can easily be done with FP.angle:

var angle:int = FP.angle(player.x, player.y, world.mouseX, world.mouseY)

Then with that angle, you can calculate the the x and y components of the bullet’s velocity:

x += BULLET_SPEED * Math.cos(angle * FP.RAD) * FP.elapsed
y += BULLET_SPEED * Math.sin(angle * FP.RAD) * FP.elapsed

Make sure you replace BULLET_SPEED with your desired speed.

(TheHuckleberryWill) #3

It worked! Thanks! Whats FP.RAD?

(Alex Larioza) #4

To convert from degrees (which FP.angle returns) to radians (which you need to compute the x/y components) you have to multiply the degrees by PI/180. FP.RAD is a handy shortcut constant which equals PI/180.

(Wayne Makoto Sturdy) #5

Also, it might be useful to note that game items like bullets usually have a constant speed and trajectory that do not change during their lifetime, so to prevent unneeded calculation, you would calculate your x / y values once on instantiation and store them in member variable(s). So your update code may look like:

x += _velocityX;
y += _velocityY;

(TheHuckleberryWill) #6

Thanks for pointing that out, added it now!

Oh, and what does an underscore before a variable mean?

(Wayne Makoto Sturdy) #7

The underscore means nothing, most programmers seem to use it to denote a member variable. I don’t really know if this is a standard or not but it usually seems the case. So, in example, a Bullet class may look something like this:

	import net.flashpunk.Entity;
	import net.flashpunk.FP;
	public class Bullet extends Entity
		// constants are usually all uppercase
		protected const BULLET_SPEED:Number = 100;
		// member variables are usually preceeded with an underscore
		protected var _velocityX:Number;
		protected var _velocityY:Number;
		public function Bullet()
			// set graphic(s) here, 
			// take care of positioning and rotation on init()
		// handy function to have for items that are constantly recycled 
		// (object pooling)
		public function init(x:Number, y:Number, angle:Number):Bullet
			this.x = x;
			this.y = y;
			_velocityX = BULLET_SPEED * Math.cos(angle * FP.RAD);
			_velocityY = BULLET_SPEED * Math.sin(angle * FP.RAD);
			Image(graphic).angle = angle;
			return this;
		override public function update():void
			x += _velocityX * FP.elapsed;
			y += _velocityY * FP.elapsed;

(Zachary Lewis) #8

It’s the most rad, bro. :sunglasses:

(Abel Toy) #9

I was gonna post some optimisation tips here. Then I read MakotoNinja’s post.

I’m a dork.