Getting random "Build failed" errors that don't occur if I restart after it displays

(John Andersson) #1

Okay, so I get random “Build failed” errors now and then. If I restart flashdevelop, it works again. The problem is that I don’t get any errors… so how am I supposed to know why this is happening? Any advice?

(Jonathan Stoler) #2

Please post the full error message, it’s so much easier to help you if we have a little context.

(Ultima2876) #3

Does it say “error: null”? I have this issue too. I think it’s a FlashDevelop bug; try reinstalling FlashDevelop or increasing the java heap size.

(Jacob Albano) #4

I get the error “configuration changed; rebuild” when I build after midnight – meaning, I build at 11:55, then again at 12:05, and get the error. It goes away after I rebuild again.

Does that sound like what you’re talking about?

(John Andersson) #5

The full error:

“Build failed”

:stuck_out_tongue: That’s it. I read somewhere that it can occur if you make a really fundamental mistake, like forgetting to name a class. But it goes away after I restart, so what the hell! :slight_smile:

(John Andersson) #6

Sadly not. I don’t recognize that

(Bora Kasap) #7

Lots of times happening to me too. An unknown error of flashdevelop.

But if it continues occuring after rebuild…

Probably there was an error window on the desktop which is not coming to front layer so you can’t see the error window but you see the build failed message, just check out your desktop for any error windows.

(billy2000) #8

If you are using flash develop im pretty sure is because u need to add more RAM to flexsdk. try enter here: C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Tools\flexsdk\bin search for jvm.config and then some line that looks like this:

java.args=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m I posted my line of code …if u have enough ram u can add more . For me Xms1024 and Xmx1024 is enough. If u think u need more and have enough ram u can add more .

(billy2000) #9

Actually the error occurs because u have a lot of big images that u use in ur game and u need to add more ram to sdk so it can support that amount of memory :smile: . At last that happened to me when i begined to use fp and flash develop :smile: …3 whole days of searching back then.XD