Flashpunk's save and loading

(Ricesteam) #1

I’m using Flashpunk’s Data object to store and load my game data. My question is does it use local storage to save the data? If so, how do I turn it off and save to else where, ie. browser cookies?

(Sharp) #2

Save data method

Now i dont recall, but seems like is not that easy to save stuff in plain text http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?375004-Need-help-with-AS-3-0-save-high-score-as-text-(-txt)-format

(rostok) #3

FP uses Flash’s cookies by utilising SharedObject. Data is stored on your computer (so it’s local) and is accessible from different browsers. BTW good way to track internet traffic since browsers do not clear flash cookies. To see those files or delete them use http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/flash_cookies_view.html - pretty handy tool.

(Ultima2876) #4

Bear in mind that the cookie will be different based on which url you are accessing from.