Flashpunk media kit

(Jacob Albano) #1

Continuing the recovery of media from the archive of the original FlashPunk website, here are some logo images you can use in your game or on your website.

(azrafe7) #2

Hey, I found a folder on my HD named FlashPunkLogoKit… it can probably be of use (zip).

Also… media from an earlier version of FP (I think 0.87) can be recovered from an old project of mine (git repo) which is a rewrite of the old animated (& with audio) logo for FP 1.5+.

Don’t know how to upload them as attachments to this post (or if I don’t have the necessary rights yet), so feel free to grab them and host them somewhere else.

Cheers, azrafe7

(Zachary Lewis) #3

I put together logos based on the rebranding of FlashPunk. The logos are still very playful, but they’re much stronger of a symbol and evoke much more of a “yeah, we’re fun, but we’re still very capable and competitive” feel.

These can be used on any color background, although I believe they’re best served on white. Don’t use them together: Either use one or the other. You don’t have to use the phrase “powered by” or “created with,” much in the same way that game engines just show their logo.

FlashPunk Block Brand


FlashPunk Stamp Brand


(Zachary Lewis) #4

Here’s a sample of how I imagine you’d use these files.

FlashPunk Logo Sample

(Dez) #5

Beautiful. Just beautiful

(Zachary Lewis) #6

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