FlashDevelop Themes

(Alex Larioza) #1

There was a similar thread on the old forums where I actually snagged my first FD syntax coloring theme (which sadly doesn’t work with the latest FD). Anyway, I figured I’d start another for people to share their awesome coloring schemes.

Here’s mine!

(Darien) #2

I’m incredibly dull – I just use the vanilla interface. :-o

(Alex Larioza) #3

I used the default for awhile too, but dark-on-bright themes hurts my eyes after extended periods of time. So I opt for the darker themes in all my code editors. :smile:

EDIT: speaking of tired eyes, I’ve found that f.lux really helps with night-time coding.

(Zachary Lewis) #4

I use the Solarized color scheme across the board.

You can see it in action in this video.

(Darien) #5

Oh, I kind of love that. Do you have a link to a FlashDevelop theme? It’s not on the list of IDEs available from the web site.

(Zachary Lewis) #6

I sure do. I’m using the AS3 syntax from dapierce/flashdevelop-colors.

(azrafe7) #7

The built-in Thyleus theme (FlashDevelop 4.4.x) it’s not bad at all (and with some minor modifications it could look even better)!

It’s a dark theme, and you can easily enable it by going to Tools->Select UI Theme and then picking ThyleusTheme.fdz inside the SyntaxThemes folder (close and reopen FD to apply it).

(Darien) #8

Wish he had the light version (more pleasing to my eye than the dark), but it’s still nice. Thank you!

(Zachary Lewis) #9

I’ve taken the time to update my colors.

Solarized Dark

Solarized Light

You can grab the themes here: https://github.com/zachwlewis/flashdevelop-colors-solarized!

(azrafe7) #10

You may also look into using the nice DeajVu Mono font instead of the default Courier New.

(Zachary Lewis) #11

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