I have a camera following a player and the camera is not fixed to the player position. I need to get an entity screen coordinates and not world coordinates. How can i do that?
Entity screen position/coordinates
(Jacob Albano)
var screenX:Number = entity.x - FP.camera.x;
var screenY:Number = entity.y - FP.camera.y;
I haven’t done a lot of messing with camera stuff. My first instinct was that it’d be entity.x - FP.camera.x and entity.y - FP.camera.y?
I was assuming I was wrong and that it’d be something I hadn’t taken into account like the Camera scrolling negatively or something. FP still has a few gotchas like that! (see the layering system for one…)
(Zachary Lewis)
Just think of it as “a graphic’s layer
is the distance away from the camera.”
If you can’t handle that, ya’ turkey, make a helper function.
public static function getLayer(value:int):int
return -1 * value;
Yeah, it’s more the naming scheme that threw me off initially (and probably does so to quite a few people). If it was called ‘depth’, I’d be all over it ;D
I’ve totally gotten used to just using negative layers now anyway.