Continuing the discussion from Adding entities in entity constructor?:
How would I properly use Entity recycling, and in what situations would it be useful?
Continuing the discussion from Adding entities in entity constructor?:
How would I properly use Entity recycling, and in what situations would it be useful?
Nice vid, also, when I want to create something with constructor arguments, what do I do?
Create a separate setup() function and call it like so:
var ent: Entity =;
(ent as MyEntityClass).setup(param1, param2);
or to keep it a little more condensed:
( as MyEntityClass).setup(param1, param2);
the setup function is just a regular function and can have whatever arguments you like. I’d recommend that you make it return ‘this’ as follows:
public function setup(param1: int, param2: String): MyEntityClass
//do some stuff here
return this;
///Hi sorry! My gun class calls upon this method whenever a shot is fired
My init method look like this in the bullet class
I get the following run time error
would you know what im messing up
Your Bullet class constructor has to have no arguments, as the world’s create function will call your constructor and supply no arguments - this causes the error which is just saying ‘Bullet’s constructor has told me it requires 4 arguments, but the world create function isn’t giving me any!’.
The fix is to keep your constructor for classes that need to be recycled argument-free, and supply all necessary variables through the init() function – which is what it looks like you have done anyway, you’ve maybe just forgotten to update your constructor to remove them
I have freed my constructor and I dont get any error! but my Init method does not seem to assign the values. They all stay at zero know why?