In my project, copies of the same entity are created every few seconds and travel across the screen at a set speed. The problem is, their hitboxes are at a certain size that is crucial to gameplay. These hitboxes are smaller than the actual image of the entity, which makes it so that if two of the same entity collide, their hitboxes might not overlap but their images do overlap.
On top of that, I wouldn’t know how to put in a collision check between two of the same entity, because it would create a paradox where both colliding entities will behave the same way. (E.g., if (collide(“obstacle”,x,y) this.x += 40, both of the colliding entities will move towards same direction and at the same speed, which makes it so that they still overlap, the same way).
I made a quick picture to describe the scenario, and what i’d like my entitie’s behavior to be like.
Please and thank you!