Creating an entity off-screen [Solved]

(Dan G) #1

I’m working on a game enemies are supposed to spawn all over the map (sometimes off the current screen) and head toward the player. I can’t seem to get them to be created off-screen, they are always in the current screen when I create them. I’ve tried moving the camera, creating them, and moving it back. Any thoughts?

(Ultima2876) #2

Could you post a little code showing how you’re creating them? :slight_smile: It should be as simple as setting an X/Y position for them that is outside of the screen bounds.

(Jacob Albano) #3

The position of the entity isn’t relative to the camera, so it should be as simple as doing this:

//  100 pixels to the left of the screen edge
e.x = - 100; 

//  100 pixels below the bottom of the screen
e.y = + FP.height + 100;

(Dan G) #4

Ah, thank you! Very helpful I got it now.

(Ultima2876) #5

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