I’m working on a game enemies are supposed to spawn all over the map (sometimes off the current screen) and head toward the player. I can’t seem to get them to be created off-screen, they are always in the current screen when I create them. I’ve tried moving the camera, creating them, and moving it back. Any thoughts?
Creating an entity off-screen [Solved]
Could you post a little code showing how you’re creating them? It should be as simple as setting an X/Y position for them that is outside of the screen bounds.
(Jacob Albano)
The position of the entity isn’t relative to the camera, so it should be as simple as doing this:
// 100 pixels to the left of the screen edge
e.x = FP.camera.x - 100;
// 100 pixels below the bottom of the screen
e.y = FP.camera.y + FP.height + 100;
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