Cpmstar pre-game ads

(Ricesteam) #1

Hey I was wondering if someone can help me with cpmstar ad integration.

I can load the ad fine in a preloader, but I can’t seem to find any event(s) to handle when the ad is complete or when a user presses the “skip” if the ad has it. I want to be able to launch my game in the handlers.

I searched all over and I can’t seem to find the solution.

(Jacob Albano) #2

You’ll probably get better luck on the cpmstar forums, if they exist. I’ve never heard of them until now, and as this is a forum for Flashpunk specifically (not Flash as a whole), we can only guarantee help with issues related directly to Flashpunk.

I tried hunting around on their site for a manual anyway, but couldn’t get in without signing up. You might have to be registered with them as a developer to see the docs.