Circle movement

(Elias) #1

Hello, i wanted to make a character move around a planet but i had a few problems in the way. I made so my character moves on a specific path around a planet based on it’s center. I wanted to have gravity in the game so everything is gonna fall on the planet i have with a specific angle on every side of the planet normaly and not just float and move in a path like the character. I puted gravity but should i keep the player’s movement the same? I am breaking my head and i would like to have an opinion which way is better. Should i put em together or is there a better way?

(Jacob Albano) #2

What exactly is your problem? Are you just looking to orbit an object around your planet? If so, that’s quite simple:

FP.anchorTo(satellite, planet, orbitDistance);
FP.rotateAround(satellite, planet, orbitSpeed);

(Elias) #3

I feel a total idiot here… LOT OF THANKS FROM MY OWN PLANET HERE! I bypass a lot of commands… but you learn as you live. Thats what i need, but should i put these lines on the satellite itself or in the gameworld?

(Jacob Albano) #4

No need to feel dumb! It’s all a learning experience. :slight_smile:

You can put these in either place, but if you put it in your satellite class you should obviously pass this instead of satellite.

(Elias) #5

Another obstacle in the way showed up. Everytime i put these 2 lines of code, my player just disappears. I didnt wanted to bother you again with something so simple, but i just have no idea how to fix it.

(Jacob Albano) #6

No problem. Can you paste in the code where you’re calling these?

(Elias) #7

Here you go!

	public var PLI:Image = new Image($PLI);
	public function Player()
		setHitbox(32, 32, 16, 16);
		type = "player";
		graphic = PLI;
		layer = 2;
		x = FP.halfWidth;
		y = FP.halfHeight - 100;
	override public function update():void
		FP.anchorTo(this, Planet, 100);
		FP.rotateAround(this, Planet, 10);


(Jacob Albano) #8

Is Planet a class or a variable? The anchor object must be a variable and have an x and y property.

(Elias) #9

This one is the player (it should be moving around the planet). The planet’s code is same but it’s x and y are at the center of the screen. Both entites are extended in different packages.

(Jacob Albano) #10

Yeah, I understand that. What I’m asking is if “Planet” is the name of a class or the name of a variable. I don’t see a place where you initialize a variable called Planet.

If that’s the problem, you can get around it by setting Planet’s type to “planet”, and changing your rotation code to this:

var planet:Planet = world.getInstance("planet");
FP.anchorTo(this, planet, 100);
FP.rotateAround(this, planet, 10);

(Elias) #11

Sorry for taking so long to reply. I finally got it. Thanks again for your great help. :smile: Last question, is it hard to make the player rotate based on the side of the planet? Kinda like he is walking on it.

(Jacob Albano) #12

Do you mean change the angle of his graphic so his feet point “down”? That’s easy too! :smile:

image.angle = FP.angle(x, y, planet.x, planet.y);

(Elias) #13

Cool!! Thanks again :smiley: