Chartridge - Game Analytics Framework

(Jonathan Stoler) #1

I just dumped my admittedly messy code for a game analytic framework onto Github.

It’s called Chartridge, and it’s a self-hosted game analytic framework. It’s also in alpha and completely unsupported. I don’t plan on continuing development on it, though it’s definitely functional enough to use right now.

To match its alpha nature, there are some bugs, although as far as I can tell, all the bugs are front-end bugs. I no longer use my own front-end for Chartridge in favor of a custom one, so I’ve given up on this project. Regardless, the back-end seems to be perfectly fine.

I’ve also written an ActionScript class which connects to Chartridge, which works perfectly in combination with FlashPunk. You can find the code in the file on Github.

Anyway, if you’re interested, check it out! I’m using it with my FlashPunk game, Separation Anxiety, and it seems to work flawlessly - though like I said before, I’m no longer using my own front-end, which is definitely buggy.

If someone wants to clean it up and patch the bugs on Github, feel free! :)

(Zachary Lewis) #2

Do you have a live demo of this tech?

(Jonathan Stoler) #3

I don’t, but that is a brilliant idea.

I’ll see if I can throw something together this weekend - but I’m pretty busy at the moment. Regardless, I’ll post back here when it’s done so you can see how it works.

(Zachary Lewis) #4

Fantastic. I really just want to see some cool graphs. :bar_chart: