Camera point &click game [continued in point-and-click architecture thread]

(s corneil) #1

Hey guys,

I think I posted my last Q in the wrong forum … :grimacing:

I’m planning a point & click game, but I’m not really sure how to organize the different views in the game (look at the left side of the room, look forward, detail view of plant, …).

Should I have one giant img and move the cam around on it, or should I have different worlds, or should these be entities, or …?

I’ve seen a couple of similar games on the forum … So I guess someone here should know something about it :yum:

(Martí Angelats i Ribera) #2

Move the camera freely, detect when the player clicks using Input.mouseDown and finally use world.mouseX and world.mouseY to get the coordenades.

(s corneil) #3

Hi Marti,
Thanks for trying to help me with this.

I just noticed that a new thread was started for this question … So I suggest we move this conversation there (‘point-and-click architecture’ - Jacobalbano)

(Martí Angelats i Ribera) #4

I also saw it.

Like here (for future serches)