I want to make a scrolling background using backdrop like this:
But its a bit tricky and there are 2 problems: 1st.I want to make pictures 2 4 6 and 8 scroll diagonally. 2nd.I want them to cover each other just like in the picture, but 7 and 8 should cover 1, but 1 has the lowest layer. Its there a easier method to do this ,or FP has any function in this situation? THX.Backdrop problem
I think the easiest way is to cut one of the background-parts into two and “knit” them together to make them look like one.
My of-the-cuff idea, for what it might be worth, is as follows.
If 8 is an image only big enough to hold the triangle that is to be seen, 8 will not cover 7 even though 8 is on a higher level, but it will have the appearance of being covered by 7.
To get the scrolling you could use a sprite animation, or if that isn’t an option, I would think you could use a bitmapData and draw the scrolling of 8 on that.
Thx for the ideas guys. My only idea that gets through my mind right now is to make a movie clip of the background and implement it into the game .Like that it should also be efficient and use less memory.
Just curious… do you have any pics/mockup of how should it look? Do you need different speeds for the scrolling?
'Cause your last idea (or variants of it) seems sound, and would actually perform better than using Backdrops.