Simply call
add(new Note([frequency1, frequency2, frequency3...], speedrate, volume));
To play interesting sounding 8bit sounds. I use this for sound effects and even custom songs ingame. I made this for a game I made for a JAM. But feel free to use it. It is not perfect, but it works for what it is. Also, if anyone has any idea on how to improve it, for instance making frequency based on time, rather than per sound, that’d be awesome!
Speedrate (Samples) must be between 2048 and 8192
import net.flashpunk.Entity;
import net.flashpunk.FP;
* ...
* @author Frazer Bennett Wilford
public class Note extends Entity
public var note:Sound = new Sound();
public var note_to_play:Array = [];
public var amplitude:Number = 1;
public function Note(freq:Array, sample_set:int, amplitudeSET:Number)
amplitude = amplitudeSET;
samples = sample_set;
note_to_play = freq;
note.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, NoteGenerator);;
public var frequency:Number = 0; // frequency of note
public var note_pos:int = 0; // which note in the song to play next
public var samples:int = 8192; // amount of samples per note
public function NoteGenerator(event:SampleDataEvent):void
if (note_pos == note_to_play.length)
note.removeEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, NoteGenerator);;
///// NOTE
frequency = note_to_play[note_pos]
note_pos += 1;
for (var i:int = 0; i < samples; i++)
var n:Number = Math.sin((((2 * Math.PI) / samples) * (i * (frequency))) / 2);
///// make a square wave //////
if (n > 0)
n = 1 * amplitude;
}else {
n = -1 * amplitude;