Advertising and Monetization: How can i do it?

(Aesir Games) #1

I need to put some adds on my games, but i don’t even know how to begin. How do i make this?

Anyone knows an ‘easy’ way?

(Bora Kasap) #2

google “mochimedia” it seems like the best for the time

(Aesir Games) #3

Yeah, i already saw that, but my flash game is going to be on android

do that(mochimedia) integrate with this kinda game?

(Bora Kasap) #4

sure, mochimedia grow up with this, or you can find a “special” sponsor for “in-game ads”, but it takes too much time to find some advertiser… so, it’s better you do that(mochi), or upload your game to sponsorable platform similar to kongregate…

(Ultima2876) #5

I’m not too sure about non-publisher approaches, but I run a specialist publishing team for FlashPunk games that ties in with the FGL mobile platform to handle monetization and distribution. Check out our website if you want another option :slight_smile:

Our publishing deal is 50/50 - you get 50% of the revenue, we take 20% and FGL takes 30% for using their platform. The way we see it this holds a lot more value than just self-releasing because it’s very difficult to get your game out there without a decent cross-promotion network/marketing, which is one of the things FGL provides! Plus we have other perks - we’ll help you with QA and testing to make sure your game runs well on lots of different tablets and is bug-free, give you implementation advice if you want it (such as suggestions and feedback on controls, game difficulty etc) and also use of our Stage3DPunk engine on mobile (more details and video examples on the site).

I’m going to do a full post and release of our engine here soon, just prepping some final materials :smile:

(Aesir Games) #6

Ultima2876 i liked your suggestion and i’m going to look foward into this.

But the main point was those adds that keep on the bottom or top of the screen, i dont know how to do it.

If you guys are experienced enough please help me cuz i’m kinda lost right now :confused:

I tried Mochimedia but i couldn’t make it work…

(Ultima2876) #7

Unfortunately as we use FGL’s mobile API I have no idea how to go about it manually :confused: I believe FGL’s ad system pulls ads from a variety of ad suppliers (HeyZap, Google Ads, ChartBoost etc) and uses an Air Native Extension to make them work with Adobe Air.

EDIT: After a bit of googling I found this: That might be helpful!