Hi again! My head is like burning for 3 or 4 days now (since i posted here last time) and i ask for your help. I just throw it in:
I want to make a zelda-like 2d top down game and after getting the movement in i’m now struggling with the physics especially jumping. I found several tutorials and threads in the web asking for kind of similiar questions but i found no light in them. One was in here at the flashpunk headquarter [SOLVED] Variable Mario Type Jump that brought me to the 2d Physics of Matt Tuttle GitHub - Flashpunk Physics. I guess i’ve learned a lot of analyizing his code (like what is FP.sign, how does a for loop work and about states) and i’m sure there is way more to learn out of it.
But his code doesnt work for my game so i tried first to rewrite it, came to the point to write my “own” engine, messed it up (i guess 2 days way not enough for that kinda project with my experience) and came now back to the idea, to readjust his code through adding for each of his variables another one for the z-axis.
But now when i start the game, my hero is just falling out of screen and i need some fresh code inspiration to keep on working on this.
So if you want to spend some of your time to crawl through my code jungle and give me some advice would make me glad.
Here we go
{ import flash.geom.Point; import net.flashpunk.; import net.flashpunk.graphics.; import net.flashpunk.utils.*;
public class Physics extends Entity
public static const WEST:uint = 0;
public static const OST:uint = 1;
public static const NORD:uint = 2;
public static const SUD:uint = 3;
// Define variables
public var velocityz:Number = new Number(0);
public var velocityx:Number = new Number(0);
public var velocityy:Number = new Number(0);
public var accelerationz:Number = new Number(0);
public var accelerationx:Number = new Number(0);
public var accelerationy:Number = new Number(0);
public var frictionx:Number = new Number(0);
public var frictiony:Number = new Number(0);
public var maxVelocityz:Number = new Number(0);
public var maxVelocityx:Number = new Number(0);
public var maxVelocityy:Number = new Number(0);
public var gravityz:Number = new Number(0);
public var gravityx:Number = new Number(0);
public var gravityy:Number = new Number(0);
public var facing:uint;
public var solid:String = "solid";
public function Physics()
_onGround = _onWall = false;
facing = WEST;
public function get onGround():Boolean { return _onGround; }
public function get onWall():Boolean { return _onWall; }
override public function update():void
// Apply acceleration and velocity
velocityx += accelerationx;
velocityy += accelerationy;
velocityz += accelerationz;
public function applyGravity():void
//increase velocity based on gravity
velocityx += gravityx;
velocityy += gravityy;
velocityz += gravityz;
private function checkMaxVelocity():void
if (maxVelocityx > 0 && Math.abs(velocityx) > maxVelocityx)
velocityx = maxVelocityx * FP.sign(velocityx);
if (maxVelocityy > 0 && Math.abs(velocityy) > maxVelocityy)
velocityy = maxVelocityy * FP.sign(velocityy);
if (maxVelocityz > 0 && Math.abs(velocityz) > maxVelocityz)
velocityz = maxVelocityz * FP.sign(velocityz);
private function applyFriction():void
// If we're on the ground, apply friction
if (onGround && frictionx)
if (velocityx > 0)
velocityx -= frictionx;
if (velocityx < 0)
velocityx = 0;
else if (velocityx < 0)
velocityx += frictionx;
if (velocityx > 0)
velocityx = 0;
if (onGround && frictiony)
if (velocityy > 0)
velocityy -= frictiony;
if (velocityy < 0)
velocityy = 0;
else if (velocityy < 0)
velocityy += frictiony;
if (velocityy > 0)
velocityy = 0;
private function applyVelocity():void
var i:int;
_onGround = false;
_onWall = false;
for (i = 0; i < Math.abs(velocityx); i++)
if (collide(solid, x + FP.sign(velocityx), y))
_onWall = true;
velocityx = 0;
x += FP.sign(velocityx);
for (i = 0; i < Math.abs(velocityy); i++)
if (collide(solid, x, y + FP.sign(velocityy)))
_onWall = true;
velocityy = 0;
x += FP.sign(velocityy);
for (i = 0; i < Math.abs(velocityz); i++)
if (collide(solid, x, y + FP.sign(velocityz)))
if (FP.sign(velocityz) == FP.sign(gravityz))
_onGround = true;
velocityz = 0;
y += FP.sign(velocityz);
private var _onGround:Boolean;
private var _onWall:Boolean;
And here the hero
{ import flash.geom.Point; import net.flashpunk.Entity; import net.flashpunk.utils.Key; import net.flashpunk.utils.Input; import net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap; import net.flashpunk.FP;
public class Hero extends Physics
[Embed(source="../assets/sprGehen.png")]private const sprMori:Class;
public var Mori:Spritemap = new Spritemap(sprMori, 31, 56);
private static const kMoveSpeed:uint = 2;
private static const kJumpForce:uint = 20;
public var curAnimation:String = "sud_stehen";
public function Hero(x:int, y:int)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Mori.add("nord_stehen", [0], 0, false);
Mori.add("nord_gehen", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], 16, true);
Mori.add("sud_stehen", [17], 0, false);
Mori.add("sud_gehen", [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33], 16, true);
Mori.add("west_stehen", [34], 0 , false);
Mori.add("west_gehen", [35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50], 16, true);
Mori.add("ost_stehen", [51], 0, false);
Mori.add("ost_gehen", [52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67], 16, true);
Mori.add("nord_springen", [17], 0, false);
Mori.add("sud_springen", [0], 0, false);
Mori.add("west_springen", [51], 0, false);
Mori.add("ost_springen", [34], 0, false);
graphic = Mori;
setHitbox(28, 56);
gravityz = 2.6;
maxVelocityz = kJumpForce;
maxVelocityx = maxVelocityy = kMoveSpeed * 2;
frictionx = 0.7;
frictiony = 0.7;
type = "mori", "unit";
Input.define("MoveLeft", Key.A, Key.LEFT);
Input.define("MoveUp", Key.W, Key.UP);
Input.define("MoveDown", Key.S, Key.DOWN);
Input.define("MoveRight", Key.D, Key.RIGHT);
Input.define("Jump", Key.SPACE);
override public function update():void
if (Input.check("MoveLeft"))
accelerationx = -kMoveSpeed;
if (Input.check("MoveRight"))
accelerationx = kMoveSpeed;
if (Input.check("MoveUp"))
accelerationy = -kMoveSpeed;
if (Input.check("MoveDown"))
accelerationy = kMoveSpeed;
if (velocityx > velocityy)
if (velocityx > 0)
facing = OST;
else if (velocityx < 0)
facing = WEST;
else if (velocityx < velocityy)
if (velocityy > 0)
facing = SUD;
else if (velocityy < 0)
facing = NORD;
if (Input.pressed("Jump") && onGround && ((facing == NORD) || (facing == SUD)))
accelerationz = -FP.sign(gravityz) * kJumpForce;
accelerationy = -FP.sign(gravityy) * kJumpForce;
else if (Input.pressed("Jump") && onGround && ((facing == OST) || (facing == WEST)))
accelerationz = -FP.sign(gravityz) * kJumpForce;
accelerationx = -FP.sign(gravityx) * kJumpForce;
private function setAnimation():void
var animation:String;
if (facing == WEST)
animation = "west_";
else if (facing == OST)
animation = "ost_";
else if (facing == NORD)
animation = "nord_";
animation = "sud_";
if (onGround)
if ((velocityx == 0) && (velocityy == 0))
animation += "stehen";
animation += "gehen";
animation += "springen";