Whats wrong with this?

(Elias) #1

Please help me with this one. When the player jumps diagonaly, it’s sprite flickers. How can i fix this?

test.swf (104.3 KB)

Here’s the source.

Player.as (2.2 KB)

(Jacob Albano) #2

It’s not flickering, it’s stuttering. :wink: Looks like you might be having the same problem as in this thread:

(Elias) #3

This also happens to me with a single graphic. :frowning: As i understand, i must round the x, y vars before procceed to movement.

(Jacob Albano) #4

It’s not necessarily about having multiple graphics. When you use variable framerate each movement is really small, so you need to keep track of the leftovers between frames.