What categories do we need?

(Jacob Albano) #21

There are a number of other websites, such as TigSource, that already exist for that purpose. These are the Flashpunk forums, and we should focus the categories on topics that specifically pertain to FlashPunk…

(Kevin Graham) #22


Also, what about a Libraries category? This way, we can keep the Showcase and Work-in-Progress categories for Games, and have a specific Libraries category that users can use, or something.

I definitely agree, do you mean for drop ins? Extensions to flashpunk that will work with any game?

(Kevin Graham) #23

Also I think we need a code and examples section as well as the tutorial area like on the old forums, I found it very useful. Everyday I would check it, and I found all kinds of cool little gems. I think the tutorials section should be for longer tutorials, and a code snippets area for little things.

(Kevin Graham) #24

Yes, the old forums did have a tutorials section.