Tutorial Requests?

(Bora Kasap) #2

I would like to see some tutorials about

  • Canvas Class

  • Using Text Class’ “options” parameter properly and usefull.

Actually i don’t know how to use all this particles and emitters classes, but i’ven’t really required them yet…

(Alex Larioza) #3

I should have mentioned this before, but I’d rather stay away from “basic usage” tutorials. There’s plenty of information in FlashPunk documentation on how to use those classes. I’m more interested in writing tutorials on more advanced subjects that may not have proper tutorials else where.

(christopf) #4

Is there already a tutorial about particles in flashpunk? Its just a push in the unknown since i didnt confront myself yet with it but also didnt finde anything about it on my way yet. But i think particles are general advanced stuff? just an idea

(Bora Kasap) #5

What about creating a rpg dialog system?

(FNX) #6
  • how to properly mix Flashpunk with a physic engine of choice :smile:
  • platform game with non-rectangular terrain (ex: Sonic) / diagonal collisions
  • how to have graphics move in sync with sounds (ex: Dance Dance Rev.)
  • whatever :smiley:

(Ultima2876) #7

The Physics engine one would probably be popular. Slopes and advanced platforming is covered to death elsewhere, and also there is Noel’s Advanced Platform Engine that does a good job of showing how to do it.

I think the best tutorials are ‘how to create x game’ ones. They tend to start off covering basics, but as the parts go on they cover specific topics naturally as they come up. An RPG would be a good one; I don’t know that anyone has done one of those for FlashPunk and it covers a wealth of topics (grid-locked movement, NPCs, menus/dialogues, particle systems for battle effects).

(Alex Larioza) #8

I think the best tutorials are ‘how to create x game’ ones. They tend to start off covering basics, but as the parts go on they cover specific topics naturally as they come up.

That’s a good idea!

(Zachary Lewis) #9

It would be a good idea to fork useflashpunk.net/gh-pages and write the tutorials in a similar style to the existing ones. That way, I can merge them into the main site.

(Sharon Shalom Iluz) #10

how about Dealing with Multiple screen sizes tutorial even a video tutorial would be nice.

(I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want) #11

How about creating an endless runner demo? That seems to be quite popular. Just a simple player on auto-run, avoiding gaps or obstacles/enemies, scrolling, infinite background with few independently moving layers, something like that. I’d hit that.

(billy2000) #12

It also would be awesome some tutorials about the less known FP functions.As far as i know FP is full of interesting things but as beginner myself i found some of those functions hard to understand what are them good for(as some are not fully explained in docs).

(I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want) #13

Could someone point me or write me (If that’s not 2 much to ask) something like Particle/Emitter101?

Something like a lesson with an example, step by step? Not necessary a video?

(Zachary Lewis) #14

Here is a video!

(Tareq) #15

Could we have a platformer tutorial? I know there’s the Advanced Platform Engine but I tend to learn better when someone explains it to me, it’s just how I learn really :S

(Bora Kasap) #16

i think the best solution for who look for a complete tutorial for a genre like platformer is:

  • Start making your game.
  • Make a search in forum or web when you stuck in something instead of looking for a complete tutorial.

(TaylorAnderson) #17

It’s probably also a good idea to start way smaller than the advanced platform engine, just to get the hang of coding platformer physics and doing things in flashpunk.

(B6ka) #18

I know there is HaxePunk, but a tutorial on (possibly simpler) ways and up-to-date of moving existing FP projects to other platforms would be very useful.

(Zachary Lewis) #19

Coin Duder season 2 is about a platformer. No clue when it’ll start, or when season 1 will resume.

(I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want) #20

Coin Duder season 2, can’t wait!

@Chokey check this out:

Jumping on a platformer[SOLVED]

This sorted my needs.

(Tareq) #21

Yeah, I notice that I look for tutorials for games development, a bad habit that I want to avoid doing. I’ll try avoid using complete tutorials it’s just a hard habit to break