follows i tried:
public var STL1Mot:LinearMotion= new LinearMotion(); //motion tween to tween the star
public var SternL1:Stamp; // a graphic of a star
public var SL1PosE:Point; //the end position of the tween
public var SL1PosA:Point; //the start position of the tween
public var GList:Graphiclist=new Graphiclist(); // the graphic-list of the entity...
SternL1 = new Stamp(STERN_LINKS_1);
SL1PosE.x = 54;
SL1PosE.y = 184;
SL1PosA.x = SL1PosE.x+93;
SL1PosA.y = SL1PosE.y+35;
SternL1.x = SL1PosA.x;
SternL1.y = SL1PosA.y;
STL1Mot.setMotion(SL1PosA.x, SL1PosA.y, SL1PosE.x, SL1PosE.y, 0.5);
STL1Mot.object = SternL1;
but nothing happens… the star is like thought on the start-position, but don´t tween to the declared end-positions… what do i wrong???
thanks in advance kolibri