John's Epic Megathread Of Confusion & Tomfoolery

(azrafe7) #10

As hinted by someone in one of your other topics (which I can’t track down right now), the weapon lagging behind the player is probably an issue of updating/rendering order.

Ideally what you want to happen is:

  1. Update player position
  2. Update weapon position
  3. Render player
  4. Render weapon

So you should recheck your code and ensure that your weapon updating code runs after the player one (in FlashDevelop you can set some breakpoints in the relevant update() functions and step through code from there).

(We seriously need a sticky tutorial/link for some basic/intermediate debugging with FlashDevelop, it would really help!.. in the meanwhile you can consult Google if you don’t know how to do it, or insert traces to find out what the order is)

Also… your adjust_() functions seem to do exactly what moveBy() in combination with moveCollide_() do. So you could replace them with something like:

override public function update():void
  moveBy(xSpeed, ySpeed, "ground", true);

override public function moveCollideX(e:Entity):Boolean
  xSpeed = 0;
  return true;

override public function moveCollideY(e:Entity):Boolean
  ySpeed = 0;
  return true;

This would basically translate to:

  1. Try to move player by xSpeed and ySpeed (1 pixel at a time specified by the true param) and watch out for collisions with “ground”
  2. If collides horizontally with “ground” moveCollideX() gets called and you reset the xSpeed
  3. If collides vertically with “ground” moveCollideY() gets called and you reset the ySpeed

(Jacob Albano) #11

You can also position the weapon in your player’s update() function instead of its own.

(billy2000) #12

As far as i can see in your code after your weapon collide once with the player, it will collide every time with it. In this case u can take advantage of moveCollideX (or Y) like this:

override public function moveCollideX(e:Entity):Boolean
  xSpeed = 0;


 return true;

or you can even do something like this also in Hero’s class:

var Weap_:YourWeapon = collide("TheSpecificWeapon", x, y) as YourWeapon;

(John Andersson) #13

Oh. My. God.

I found the real reason why it didn’t work -.-

Instead of typing

				if (sprHero.index == 0 || sprHero.index == 3)
						wepHotspotY = y - 24; 
						helmetHotspotY = y - 24;

I had typed

				if (sprHero.index == 0 || sprHero.index == 3)
						wepHotspotY = yPos - 24; 
						helmetHotspotY = yPos - 24;

yPos was the problem here. Since it updated before ANYTHING else.

Thank you all so much. This has been a nightmare, but thanks to you all, I can finally say FAKA YU paperdorring

(John Andersson) #14

OKAY. So it’s ALMOST perfect now.

The problem is that it’s a millisecond (or so, dunno) behind, so you can BARELY see the hero’s bald head before the helmet follows along. It’s 100x better than before, but it’s not quite perfect.

This is the current code:

private function adjustXPosition():void { //Perception speed var perception_speed:Number = speed * 0.25;

		//If not in dark
		if (5 != 4)	finalSpeed = xSpeed + (speed / 10);

		//If in dark
		if (agility_perception_active && 5 == 4) finalSpeed = (xSpeed * 0.25) + (speed / 10)
		for (var i:int = 0; i < Math.abs(xSpeed); i++) 
            if (! collide("ground", x + FP.sign(finalSpeed), y)) 
		wepHotspotX = x + 104;
		helmetHotspotX = x + 8;
		if(holdingWeapon != null)
			if (sprHero.flipped)
				holdingWeapon.flipped = true;
				wepHotspotX = x - 96;
			else holdingWeapon.flipped = false;
			holdingWeapon.x = wepHotspotX; 
		if(equippedHelmet != null)
			if (sprHero.flipped)
				equippedHelmet.flipped = true;
				helmetHotspotX = x + 16;
			else equippedHelmet.flipped = false;
			equippedHelmet.x = helmetHotspotX; 
	private function adjustYPosition():void 
		for (var i:int = 0; i < Math.abs(ySpeed); i++) 
			if (! collide("ground", x, y + FP.sign(ySpeed))) 
				//Change weapon hotspots, depending on the frame/animation
				if (sprHero.currentAnim == "run")
					if (sprHero.index == 0)
						helmetHotspotY = y - 24;
						wepHotspotY = y - 24; 
					if (sprHero.index == 1)
						helmetHotspotY = y - 32;
						wepHotspotY = y - 32; 
					if (sprHero.index == 2)
						helmetHotspotY = y - 32;
						wepHotspotY = y - 32;
					if (sprHero.index == 3)
						helmetHotspotY = y - 24;
						wepHotspotY = y - 16;
					if (sprHero.index == 4)
						helmetHotspotY = y - 16;
						wepHotspotY = y - 16;
				if (sprHero.currentAnim == "stand")
					if (sprHero.index == 0) 
						wepHotspotY = y - 24; 
						helmetHotspotY = y - 24;
				if (sprHero.currentAnim == "jump")
					wepHotspotY = y - 24;
					helmetHotspotY = y - 24;
		if(holdingWeapon != null)
			holdingWeapon.y = wepHotspotY;
		if(equippedHelmet != null)
			equippedHelmet.y = helmetHotspotY;
				trace("Hero: " + sprHero.index)

Now how am I supposed to make it 100% perfect? The problem only appears whilst running with the hero, where the hero bounces up and down.

(John Andersson) #15

Hey man…

the current code (I temporarily changed it to follow the “ideal” coding way)

Update player position 
Update weapon position
Render player
Render weapon```

			//Adjust positions
			 moveBy(xSpeed, ySpeed, "ground", true);

And here is the actual code:

                 override public function moveCollideX(e:Entity):Boolean
			 xSpeed = 0;
			 return true;
		override public function moveCollideY(e:Entity):Boolean
			 ySpeed = 0;
			 return true;
		private function adjustArmorPosition():void
                        //Blabla, x values and stuff
if(holdingWeapon != null)
				holdingWeapon.y = wepHotspotY;
			if(equippedHelmet != null)
				equippedHelmet.y = helmetHotspotY;
			if(equippedGloves != null)
				equippedGloves.x = x;
				equippedGloves.y = y;
			if(equippedPants != null)
				equippedPants.x = x;
				equippedPants.y = y;
			if(equippedChest != null)
				equippedChest.x = x;
				equippedChest.y = y;

		private function renderHero():void
			if (Input.check("Left") || Input.check("Right"))"run");
		private function renderEquipment():void
			var dwarflet_:Goldstruck_Pants = world.getInstance("goldenpants");
			var dwarflets_:Goldstruck_Chest = world.getInstance("goldenchest");
			if(equippedPants != null);
			if(equippedChest != null);

Yet it doesn't really work. I can see glimpses of the hero, it's really fast, but I can still see the original hero sprite, since it moves just a bit faster than the armor. Sometimes.

If I pause the game, sometimes I can see that the hero sprite has updated before the armor sprite, resulting in a visual situation of two different sprite animations.

How do I make it so that they update at the same time? I want it to be perfect, like in pretty much every game paperdolling occurs.

Thanks :p

Animating/Moving CHANGEABLE weapons/armor through code? (equipping items) - PAPERDOLLING -
(John Andersson) #16

If I slow down the fps to 1, then I can clearly see that the hero’s sprite always moves one step ahead.

(billy2000) #17

I always had those problems too be4, now when i do this kind of stuff i usually add a new graphic to player.What i would suggest(if you can make this change) is to make a graphiclist in player class,and when he pick up a piece of armor just add it to his graphiclist .If you can do that this problem would be pretty much solved.

(John Andersson) #18

Hmm, that sounds interesting. But I don’t understand the logic. is there any good example you can show me??

(billy2000) #19
public class Hero extends Entity 
	private var theGraphic:Graphiclist = new Graphiclist();
	private var heroMap:Spritemap = new Spritemap(HERO, width, height);
	private var armorMap:Spritemap = new Spritemap(ARMOR, width, height);
	private var anim:String = "something";
	public function Hero(x:Number, y:Number) 
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		//spritemaps animations and other stuff
		graphic = theGraphic;
	override public function update():void
		//if he collide with the armor on the ground
		if (collide("armor", x, y)) {
			//do something here as example remove the armor on the ground entity
			//now armorMap is part of heros graphic

Something like this :smiley:

(John Andersson) #20

Okay nice :smiley: But how would I animate the armor and hero (at the same time, I guess?) with a graphicslist? :smiley:

(billy2000) #21

if u have the graphics stored in a graphic list its pretty much the same as having 1 graphic.So just play your hero spritemap like usually, and with the same animation play the armor animation(if hero has armor equipped).

(John Andersson) #22

I’m sorry for my extreme noobiness, but I am so confused. Can you please write an example? Maybe convert my current code into your type of code? XD Sorry, I just can’t figure it out myself. I have tried to code it myself according to your explanation, but it doesn’t work no matter what I type

(billy2000) #23

Ah sry its just me that im bad at explications…wait a sec lol

(billy2000) #24

Lets say you have sprHero sprArmor .You have initialised ur graphiclist private var theGraphic:Graphiclist = new Graphiclist(); and u made your graphic to be theGraphic in constructor graphic=theGraphic;.Also u have added your sprHero to the graphiclist in contructor theGraphic.add(sprHero); All fine and nice so far. Now for your sprArmor. When you take your armor from the ground you add the sprArmor to your graphiclist theGraphic.add(sprArmor);.Now when you change/play hero animation you do the same with your piece of armor:

private function renderHero():void
	if (Input.check("Left") || Input.check("Right")){

I hope this time i explained better XD.

(John Andersson) #25

Hey, I’m having trouble making this work.

I made the graphiclist variable public so items can add themselves to it.

public var theGraphic:Graphiclist = new Graphiclist();

in the armor code (let’s just try and make this work for the pants for now):

                     if (!_equipped)
			if (heroCollide != null)
				_equipped = true;
				var hero_:Hero= world.getInstance("hero");

And in the hero, how do I make it run sprArmor? If I type what you did, it tells me it is a null reference. So I tried doing something like this:

		for each(var g:Graphic in theGraphic)

And some similar alternatives. But it doesn’t work. I saw that graphiclists have a function like this:


But I don’t understand how to use it!

(Jacob Albano) #26
for each (var g:Graphic in theGraphic.children)
    var spritemap = g as SpriteMap;
    if (spritemap == null) continue;

    //  stuff

(John Andersson) #27

I had to change it to this:

			for each (var g:Graphic in theGraphic.children)
					var spritemap = g as Spritemap;
					if (spritemap == null)"run");

					//  stuff

But I get the error “variable ‘spritemap’ has no type declaration.”

so I tried this var spritemap:Spritemap = g as Spritemap;

But it didn’t work :stuck_out_tongue:

(Jacob Albano) #28

What…why…that’s completely backwards from what it should be.

I forgot to add a type declaration (getting too comfortable with Haxe I guess). var spritemap:Spritemap = g as Spritemap; should be fine.

(John Andersson) #29


But isn’t

if (spritemap == null) continue;

the same as

if (spritemap == null)



Anyway, I changed it to what you said, so the code is now this:

for each (var g:Graphic in theGraphic.children)
	var spritemap:Spritemap = g as Spritemap
	if (spritemap == null) continue;"run");

But the animations aren’t synchronized