Chrome has problems accessing this variable most of the time and reports it as either 0 or infinity. The best thing is to encode the size of the swf in bytes directly into your preloader class and use that instead:
private var TOTAL_BYTES: int = 4000000; //4mb swf
The way I do it is to right click the release build swf file to get the size in bytes, then take a little bit off (this means it will fill the bar a little before the swf is fully loaded but this isn’t usually an issue and is much less annoying than the bar never quite getting full - just remember not to overdraw your bar!).
Other people have mentioned getting the value from ‘flashvars’ etc but that is something I don’t know a lot about.
Make sure you remember to update BYTES_TOTAL for every different build you do! (when you change art assets etc - it’s only really worth setting it when you’re getting ready to upload the game!)