How to make a arrow fly to your mouse and other things?

(Logan"Nogan" Carter) #1

How do you spawn and make the arrow fly to your mouse whatever i try the player turns into the arrow and just sits their.

(Jean) #2

Post your code, the forum is for helping and learning, not just for giving codes.

(Logan"Nogan" Carter) #3

Ok here is the arrow class

package { import net.flashpunk.Entity; import net.flashpunk.FP import net.flashpunk.utils.Input; import net.flashpunk.utils.Key

public class ARROW extends Entity
	[Embed(source = "../New Folder/archer_elfA.png")] public var AR:Class;
	[Embed(source = "../New Folder/archer_elfA2.png")] public var AR2:Class;
	protected const ARROW_SPEED:Number = 50;
	protected var _velocityX:Number;
	protected var _velocityY:Number;
	public function ARROW() 
		Image(AR).angle = angle;
	override public function init(x:Number, y:Number, angle:Number):ARROW
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		_velocityX = ARROW_SPEED * Math.cos(angle * FP.RAD);
		_velocityY = ARROW_SPEED * Math.sin(angle * FP.RAD);
		return this;
	override public function update():void
		if (Input.pressed(Mouse))
		x += _velocityX * FP.elapsed;
		y += _velocityY * FP.elapsed;

} And here is the Entity class

package { import net.flashpunk.Entity; import net.flashpunk.Graphic; import; import; import net.flashpunk.utils.Input; import net.flashpunk.utils.Key; import net.flashpunk.FP;

public class MyEntity extends Entity
	[Embed(source = "../New Folder/archer_elf.png")] private var PLAYER:Class;
	[Embed(source = "../New Folder/archer_elf2.png")] private var PLAYERL:Class;
	[Embed(source = "../New Folder/archer_elfENEN.png")] private var PLAYERE:Class;
	public function MyEntity() 
		graphic = new Image(PLAYER);
	override public function update():void
		if (Input.mousePressed())
		if (Input.pressed(Key.A))
			graphic = new Image(PLAYERL) //Player facing left
		if (Input.pressed(Key.D))
			graphic = new Image(PLAYER)// Player facing right
		if (Input.check(Key.D)) { x += 3 };
		if (Input.check(Key.A)) { x -= 3 };
		if (Input.check(Key.W)) { y -= 3 };
		if (Input.check(Key.S)) { y += 3 };


(Jean) #4

OK, a few things:

  • Your ARROW class never angle against the mouse, for that use FP.angle and the world properties mouseX and mouseY

  • Your ARROW class never has the graphic set.

  • Your ARROW class has the same graphics as the Player

  • You have set the Input check for the mouse inside the ARROW itself, but what you probably want to do is this:

      override public function update():void
        if (Input.pressed(Mouse))
        x += _velocityX * FP.elapsed;
        y += _velocityY * FP.elapsed;

Should be this:

    override public function update():void
      x += _velocityX * FP.elapsed;
      y += _velocityY * FP.elapsed;

And what you probably want to do is this on your MyEntity class:

if (Input.mousePressed())


Should be that:

if (Input.mousePressed())
{ ARROW());

(Logan"Nogan" Carter) #5

So should i also put the velocity and speed in the world class to? The graphics are different just the names are just slightly different.

(Jean) #6

No need for that, you can always get the current world with so you can make all the calculation inside your ARROW class.

And sorry, now I saw that it have an “A” as suffix in the image.

(Logan"Nogan" Carter) #7

Ok thanks for your help.