Any admob or other plugins for banner?

(fedyfausto) #1

like title i’m search for an extension for implement the admob banners on my mobile app :slight_smile: can you help me?

(Zachary Lewis) #2

The main FlashPunk stuff sits in a BitmapData on the stage. You should be able to just add your AdMob stuff to the stage as you would without FlashPunk.

(fedyfausto) #3

i mean in native stage :slight_smile: and in admob extension for air :frowning:

(Zachary Lewis) #4

Oh, I’ve never messed with that stuff. Thought you were looking for help implementing it in FlashPunk. :worried:

(krooh) #5

I’ts fairy easy. Please check my post Don’t Even Odd - our first math game , the link to the extension is somewhere here.

Good luck and best regards, Krooh